Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Use of Graphics

Just a note - I have no idea what the rules are about using pictures in blogs. I have thousands of images in my computer saved from rambles around the interwebs. I just saved anything I likes and many don't have the info as to who they originally belong to. So, if I use a copyrighted picture to illustrate a future post and don't give the correct reference, please let me know if it belongs to you and if it is a problem. I will try to fix it. If I step on toes, it will be inadvertent and only out of admiration, with no intention of self benefit on my part.

Christine Natale

First Blog

Hello Everyone and Anyone who may be interested in the ramblings of a weird and seredipitous mind!

I am going to use this blog just to share random thoughts - whatever is whirling around in my brain at the moment. For a more cohesive blog on Waldorf Education, Fairy Tales and related subjects, please visit my other blog "Straw Into Gold"

Subjects may cross post, but I'll try to make a few distinctions.

Again, Welcome!

Christine Natale